Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores works as an artist professional in tattoos. Also, she is known as Tatu Baby. Born on the 28th of October, 1987 Colombia, USA. Find out more details about Tatu s Networth as well as her relationship to height, weight, and bio. She is an American television personality as well as a tattooist. Ink Master, a reality TV show featuring tattoo artists competing in competitions was the first show she appeared in. Ink Master 2 saw Tatu placed fourth. Tatu appeared on season 3 of the Ink Master show and got third in the final. Cartel Crew's initial and second seasons in 2019 were focused on actual persons with links to drug cartels. Tatu baby, an American tattoo artist, has been tattooing professionally since she was 19. In a convention for tattoo contests, she was given the Best Of Day Trophy. Tatu's Baby Tattoos are renowned for their authentic black and gray tattoo designs. She recognizes that the human body is a great canvas upon which one can show their personality. Tatu finished fourth in The Ink Master season 2 tattoo show, only to be removed. Tatu was a baby when she began tattooing at 14. Tatu Baby started tattooing at this time. By the age of 19, she became a fulltime professional tattooist. Tatu baby aka. Katherine Kat Flores was born on October 28 1987 in Colombia but was raised in Miami Florida. Born to Colombian parents. Her father, who was a drug dealer from Queens New York, was killed by a rival gang at the age of four old. An gang from another city killed her father when she was 4 years old. After her father s murder Tatu's mother decided to get out of drug dealing. Tatu's mom followed Tatu into Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. While she was the course, she decided to leave college. At the age of 2000, she began to become fascinated by tattoos when she was fourteen. She was an established tattoo artist aged 19 when she turned full-time. Tatu baby has an older brother, named Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges, an actress with Spanish roots. When she was at high school, Berges began to act as a pastime. In the beginning, Astrid didn't even consider becoming an actor because she was from an undeveloped area. The unique attributes of Astrid helped her land the roles which she eventually got. This girl was born with two eyelids as a result of an acquired condition known as Sectoral Heterochromia. Her appearance was perfect for Sofi's part in I Origins 2014 due to her lovely bones and her accent. The chic actor claims that "I am starting from zero each time and never repeating my own mistakes." That, she says, causes her to be worried at times and is also what makes her feel happy, feeling that she's getting better on each film. Astrid is very particular regarding the details of her character. She pays attention to how the characters talk, move and behave. Astrid has a great personality and is fluently bilingual in Catalan in addition to Spanish, Italian French and English.

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